Movement in Worship Birmingham Base

Dates for your diary

21st September 2024 10.30 – 12.00 Family Gathering. Theme – Joshua Kings Community Church

22nd September 2024 4 – 5pm – Praying for our region – email for more details

Movement in Worship Birmingham Base is led by Prinith de Alwis Jayasinghe, Drew Crow and Kate Organ. We are a local expression of Movement in worship, an international family of Christians who want to raise the profile of creativity in worship. 

The Birmingham base meets 6 times a year at Kings Community Church.

The first half term of each term we meet on a Saturday from 2 – 4pm for a time of worship and prayer using movement with a small amount of teaching. It is free to attend but we ask for donations towards the venue hire.

The second half term of each term, we run a workshops. This is usually a full day and we charge for this. 

Our base gathering and workshops are for ages 16+

We are keen to run family base gatherings for parents and children to learn together how to worship God through movement. Do email us, if this is of interest. We have a family base gathering planned for April 27th 2024 (see flyer above)

We are also involved in local events. We have lead an hour of prayer at Pray24Brum since 2019. We have also supported Burn 24-7 Birmingham and led 2 hours of the Burn 24-7 that ran throughout the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.


Birmingham Movement in Worship Base Facebook  

For more information about Movement in Worship check out their website at