Who We Are
King’s Community Church is a vibrant and lively church based in Brandhall. We are passionate about reaching out to people in our community so others may have the opportunity to know God for themselves.
We are part of the Evangelical Alliance and Baptist Union and subscribe to their articles of belief.
We believe that each Christian is called to join Jesus in going and making disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). We do this by loving God and loving one another (Mark 12:29-31).
Those who belong to King’s Community Church commit to relevantly embody Christ’s life through the following community core values:
- A disciplining community
- A welcoming community
- A missional community
- A giving community
- A worshipping community
- A prophetic community
KCC is all about loving God and loving people.
We invite you to take this journey with us.
Our Mission
Ordinary people seeking to reveal the extraordinary love of God in our communities through authentic discipleship.
Leadership Team
Matthew Nott (Minister)
Kath Tranter (Children and Family Worker)
Alison Fentem (Treasurer)
Debbie White (Secretary)
Heidi Johnson
Sue Nelson
Charity no. 1106262
Company no: 4036665